
Location: Thornton, Colorado, United States

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

The Beginning

I have no hope that anyone will really read this or think my life is wonderful. Unfortunately, with these things, you either have to be careful about what you reaveal, or you have to be selective about who you give this website to. Ah, well....I haven't decided yet.

First off, I think I should've started this blog sooner, like at a good starting point. Perhaps the beginning of my first year of college would've been good...or even the beginning of the second semester. But here I am, a few weeks into the semester.

My dog is finally dying, my sweet Sheri. She's almost 16 and now has this horrible dry cough. She's not eating (all she is is bones now), barely drinking water. She doesn't even really sleep that much. She can't control her bladder. I just found out tonight that sometime this morning (or last night) she peed on my bed. AAUUGGHH!! So I think I'm sleeping on the couch tonight considering I have no clean bedding right now. Poor thing. I really do feel sorry for her, and when the time comes for her to go, I'll cry my heart out.

My quest to become Italian has only started this last year, but I'm gaining momentum. Not only am I taking Italian classes, but I bought an Italian rocker's CD: Luciano Ligabue. AWESOME! Maybe someday I'll understand fully what he's saying. Then I bought an Italian cookbook off of Amazon.....it's so pretty! I'm still determined I'm going to live there someday. The financial part of that is still a lot iffy, but I'll get there. Anyway, that's enough shallowness in my first blog. Now onto the most important part of my day....goodnight!