Location: Thornton, Colorado, United States

Sunday, March 27, 2005

This week was my spring break and I watched so many movies! I watche the whole LOTR trilogy, Ella Enchanted, The Incredibles, Robots, The Princess Diaries 2 (twice!), and....the end of The Last Samurai (I'm not sure that counts, though). I feel rested, hate my job still, am still extremely behind on my homework, going to get really stressed out really soon....oh dear. I better stop while I'm ahead. NOW I'm feeling guilty for typing this! AUUGGHH!! STOP!!!!! I finally finished my "pleasure novel"...Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister. It's by the guy who wrote Wicked. It was good, but weird. I like old school novels best. Now I just started The Notebook. That'll take me another six months to read. Heehee. I haven't found out yet if I'm a camp counselor at Camp ID-RA-HA-JE yet. Hopefully soon. And....I thought I looked really cute today for Easter (except my hair was a little crazy!). Michael looked very handsome in his suit. He never wears a suit to church, nevertheless some nice pants! But, he wore a suit today, and I think he should do that more often! (I need to teach my friends how to play pinochle....I need to start a club!) Well, all this is very random. Maybe someday, I'll tell someone that I have this blog and they'll actually read this and think "oh, my goodness! She's nuts!" Well, just the fact that I think I'm nuts is good enough for me!


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