
Location: Thornton, Colorado, United States

Sunday, March 27, 2005

This week was my spring break and I watched so many movies! I watche the whole LOTR trilogy, Ella Enchanted, The Incredibles, Robots, The Princess Diaries 2 (twice!), and....the end of The Last Samurai (I'm not sure that counts, though). I feel rested, hate my job still, am still extremely behind on my homework, going to get really stressed out really soon....oh dear. I better stop while I'm ahead. NOW I'm feeling guilty for typing this! AUUGGHH!! STOP!!!!! I finally finished my "pleasure novel"...Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister. It's by the guy who wrote Wicked. It was good, but weird. I like old school novels best. Now I just started The Notebook. That'll take me another six months to read. Heehee. I haven't found out yet if I'm a camp counselor at Camp ID-RA-HA-JE yet. Hopefully soon. And....I thought I looked really cute today for Easter (except my hair was a little crazy!). Michael looked very handsome in his suit. He never wears a suit to church, nevertheless some nice pants! But, he wore a suit today, and I think he should do that more often! (I need to teach my friends how to play pinochle....I need to start a club!) Well, all this is very random. Maybe someday, I'll tell someone that I have this blog and they'll actually read this and think "oh, my goodness! She's nuts!" Well, just the fact that I think I'm nuts is good enough for me!

Tuesday, March 22, 2005


This will be short. I have to go to bed sometime soon! Well, this week is spring break! yay! I'm doing NOTHING....except staying home, working, watching movies....eating too much. My grandma's got cancer (oh, I'll die if she dies!), I have too much homework, I feel I'm working too much, and.....I LOVE spring! Just a flurry of emotions tonight! ha! Well, night!