
Location: Thornton, Colorado, United States

Sunday, March 27, 2005

This week was my spring break and I watched so many movies! I watche the whole LOTR trilogy, Ella Enchanted, The Incredibles, Robots, The Princess Diaries 2 (twice!), and....the end of The Last Samurai (I'm not sure that counts, though). I feel rested, hate my job still, am still extremely behind on my homework, going to get really stressed out really soon....oh dear. I better stop while I'm ahead. NOW I'm feeling guilty for typing this! AUUGGHH!! STOP!!!!! I finally finished my "pleasure novel"...Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister. It's by the guy who wrote Wicked. It was good, but weird. I like old school novels best. Now I just started The Notebook. That'll take me another six months to read. Heehee. I haven't found out yet if I'm a camp counselor at Camp ID-RA-HA-JE yet. Hopefully soon. And....I thought I looked really cute today for Easter (except my hair was a little crazy!). Michael looked very handsome in his suit. He never wears a suit to church, nevertheless some nice pants! But, he wore a suit today, and I think he should do that more often! (I need to teach my friends how to play pinochle....I need to start a club!) Well, all this is very random. Maybe someday, I'll tell someone that I have this blog and they'll actually read this and think "oh, my goodness! She's nuts!" Well, just the fact that I think I'm nuts is good enough for me!

Tuesday, March 22, 2005


This will be short. I have to go to bed sometime soon! Well, this week is spring break! yay! I'm doing NOTHING....except staying home, working, watching movies....eating too much. My grandma's got cancer (oh, I'll die if she dies!), I have too much homework, I feel I'm working too much, and.....I LOVE spring! Just a flurry of emotions tonight! ha! Well, night!

Thursday, February 24, 2005

like calling my friends....

Would I be a terrible friend if I said I really don't like calling my friends? I like talking to them on the phone but just the fact of calling...now that bugs me! I really wish I was okay with calling people on the phone, but for some odd reason....I have problems! I know nobody reads this but me, but this is kinda fun to do every two weeks (which seems to be how often I put up an entry!) How sad....I suppose I could make this more interesting. Maybe I could do a quote a day thing....or maybe I could review movies...or have an open forum on hard issues, like abortion or George Bush....but then again, nobody would ever write because no one has read this! That's okay. That would be all my own fault because I haven't told anyone that I have my own blog....heehee. So, basically, I'm writing to myself. Instead of looking like I'm insane by talking to myself all the time (which EVERYONE does....so you can't say others are really crazy....) this cam be my substitue. Hmmm....I'm really hungry. I'm debating if I should go to work and get something to eat, or go shopping, be really hungry, and go homw to eat....I need some khaki pants for work because I HATE those ones I have now!! And I just found out managers can wear khaki....oh yeah, oh yeah! (There was a little victory dance going on there) Also, how does one reconcile oneself to having a boyfriend? I just want to know. I've never acutally had bona-fide boyfriend, and now I have one....and I can't believe I've committed myself to someone! I suppose it's kinda fun, but I think too much about him and worry too much about our relationship (like what I do wrong, for example ....doh!). I hate that too!! When I'm with him, I love it. When I'm not with him, I'm worrying about what I said or did while I was with him....arrgghh!! I'm done.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Short Summary.....maybe

Ahhh....so it's been a while since I last updated....Do people actually write one of these every day? Just wondering....Well....My dog died last Thursday...that would be a week ago. I cried my heart out. Ummm, last Monday, the 7th, was my birthday. It really was wonderful. That Sunday my mom baked me a cake, and my boyfriend's family came over. They sang me happy birthday, and Andy and Michael (my boyfriend) and I and Chris (Michael's brother) and Sean (my brother) went and played. First we decided to torture ourselves by getting baby oragel (the non-toxic stuff that makes your mouth numb) and eating it. It tastes like...ick! But it was fun 'cause I put some on my lips, and they got numb. The boys ate a lot of it! So the back of their throats were numb including their whole mouths. HA! Well, then, Monday I went to school, and then Michael took me out for birthday dinner at Olive Garden. (I'm sure this is really boring, but ah, well) He bought me a necklace and got me a Winnie the Pooh card. I'm not really into Winnie the Pooh, but he doesn't know that! I'm not going to tell him either! Maybe he'll figure it out. But then again, I'm not too sure about that....heehee. Anyway, he took me to THE chick flick of the month, The Wedding Date. I tried to convice him not to torture himself, but he insisted. The movie was pretty bad. I give it a C-. I didn't care whether the hero and heroine got together at the end. Who cares? Nessuno!! (nobody :) Anyway, the point is, he was really sweet. That night, I suppose, was the night I knew I had a boyfriend (cause he never just came out and asked me! How am I REALLY supposed to know?) because....well, I don't have to tell everything! We just set up some boundaries like every good Christian couple should. Maybe they were a little general, but I figure we'll refine them more as time moves on. Yep. What are you really supposed to write on these things anyway? Philosophy? Poems? Happenings?

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

The Beginning

I have no hope that anyone will really read this or think my life is wonderful. Unfortunately, with these things, you either have to be careful about what you reaveal, or you have to be selective about who you give this website to. Ah, well....I haven't decided yet.

First off, I think I should've started this blog sooner, like at a good starting point. Perhaps the beginning of my first year of college would've been good...or even the beginning of the second semester. But here I am, a few weeks into the semester.

My dog is finally dying, my sweet Sheri. She's almost 16 and now has this horrible dry cough. She's not eating (all she is is bones now), barely drinking water. She doesn't even really sleep that much. She can't control her bladder. I just found out tonight that sometime this morning (or last night) she peed on my bed. AAUUGGHH!! So I think I'm sleeping on the couch tonight considering I have no clean bedding right now. Poor thing. I really do feel sorry for her, and when the time comes for her to go, I'll cry my heart out.

My quest to become Italian has only started this last year, but I'm gaining momentum. Not only am I taking Italian classes, but I bought an Italian rocker's CD: Luciano Ligabue. AWESOME! Maybe someday I'll understand fully what he's saying. Then I bought an Italian cookbook off of Amazon.....it's so pretty! I'm still determined I'm going to live there someday. The financial part of that is still a lot iffy, but I'll get there. Anyway, that's enough shallowness in my first blog. Now onto the most important part of my day....goodnight!